Alergi merupakan suatu reaksi abnormal dalam tubuh yang disebabkan zat-zat yang tidak berbahaya. Alergi timbul bila ada kontak terhadap zat tertentu yang biasanya, pada orang normal tidak menimbulkan reaksi. Zat penyebab alergi ini disebut allergen.
Gejala yang mungkin terjadi akibat alergi adalah:
- rasa gatal pada tenggorokan; gatal pada mulut;
- gatal pada mata; gatal pada kulit atau bagian tubuh lainnya;
- sakit kepala; hidung tersumbat atau hidung meler;
- sesak napas;
- bengek;
- kesulitan menelan;
- mendadak pilek dan bersin-bersin,
- dll.
Solusi perawatan alergi adalah mengkonsumsi :
Testimoni Pasien Alergi:
- For the past fifteen years I have suffered from chronic bronchitis, regular sinus infections, and severe allergies. I suffered from fatigue, migraine headaches, joint pain, and an overall weakening. After eight months on TF I am a new person. I feel like TF saved my life. I tried every nutrient that I could find, but only TF made the difference.
Naomi Jackson, Kansas.
- I have to admit that I was somewhat skeptical about Transfer Factor (Plus) when I first tried the product, but let me tell you, it’s truly amazing! I have been a chronic allergy sufferer all my life. Each spring and fall, allergy attacks would invariably lead to miserable sinus infections, which would mean time off from work and feeling lousy for days. It also meant going to the doctor to get prescriptions for antibiotics – yuk! Needless to say, I was desperate for anything that would help me avoid what felt like a brush fire burning in my sinuses! And the fewer doctor visits and prescriptions to fill, the better, wouldn’t you agree? Transfer Factor has really fit the bill. For the past two years, I have been able to take it at the first signs of allergy, and Transfer Factor works with my immune system to help stop the attack dead in its tracks. No more sinus infections! No more prescriptions! No more bad magazines at the doctor’s office! Now, I recommend Transfer Factor to all my friends and coworkers. Not only for folks with allergies, but to help get them through the cold and flu season as well. Everyone who’s tried it has become a believer, too! I know that it may sound too good to be true, but Transfer Factor really works for my immune system. Carolyn.
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