Tekanan darah merupakan tekanan yang ditimbulkan oleh darah yang mengalir dalam pembuluh darah arteri. Tekanan yang tinggi ini bila berlangsung terus menerus dapat merusak atau mengganggu pembuluh-pembuluh darah kecil dalam ginjal yang lama kelamaan dapat mengganggu kemampuan ginjal untuk menyaring darah.
Pada umumnya, bagi orang dewasa atau berusia 18 tahun ke atas, tekanan darah 140/90 mm Hg atau lebih, dapat dikatakan sebagai keadaan hipertensi. Sedangkan bagi Anda penderita diabetes dan penyakit ginjal kronik, tekanan darah 130/80 mmHg atau lebih sudah dikatakan sebagai hipertensi.
Dengan mengontrol tekanan darah akan membantu memperlambat kerusakan ginjal.
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Testimoni pasien hipertensi:
My mum is 89 years young and suffers from ischaemic heart disease and congestive cardiac failure. Her main complaints were severe shortness of breath on mild exertion, and coughing. She had to be wheeled around whenever we took her for an outing. I took two bottles of targeted transfer factors home to Australia from the 2002 4Life International Convention and started my mum on 2 capsules twice a day. After only three weeks she noticed some improvement in her breathing. After only 5 weeks she said the new capsules we brought back were #1, indicating with her right thumb up. Now she is able to walk further with much less shortness of breath. In mid-October we took her to Werribbee Zoo and brought the wheel chair along for her to use. After a short journey in the wheel chair she decided to walk by herself. We tried to dissuade her and told her that the walk would be too much for her heart. She insisted, and so we relented and let her push the wheelchair around the zoo. She completed the walk around the zoo with no shortness of breath! She has derived other benefits from taking targeted transfer factors, both her appetite and weight have increased! We are extremely happy targeted transfer factors has helped her. We strongly recommend targeted transfer factors for anyone with cardiovascular problems. Thank you Transfer Factor.
C.K. Benny Foo, MD, Australia.
My mum is 89 years young and suffers from ischaemic heart disease and congestive cardiac failure. Her main complaints were severe shortness of breath on mild exertion, and coughing. She had to be wheeled around whenever we took her for an outing. I took two bottles of targeted transfer factors home to Australia from the 2002 4Life International Convention and started my mum on 2 capsules twice a day. After only three weeks she noticed some improvement in her breathing. After only 5 weeks she said the new capsules we brought back were #1, indicating with her right thumb up. Now she is able to walk further with much less shortness of breath. In mid-October we took her to Werribbee Zoo and brought the wheel chair along for her to use. After a short journey in the wheel chair she decided to walk by herself. We tried to dissuade her and told her that the walk would be too much for her heart. She insisted, and so we relented and let her push the wheelchair around the zoo. She completed the walk around the zoo with no shortness of breath! She has derived other benefits from taking targeted transfer factors, both her appetite and weight have increased! We are extremely happy targeted transfer factors has helped her. We strongly recommend targeted transfer factors for anyone with cardiovascular problems. Thank you Transfer Factor.
C.K. Benny Foo, MD, Australia.
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