Minggu, 11 Agustus 2013


pasien asma
Sakit asthma (asma) adalah suatu penyakit paru-paru. Saluran udara pernafasan pada orang-orang dengan penyakit asma mempunyai kepekaan tinggi terhadap bahan-bahan allergen dan terhadap hal-hal lain yang bersifat irritans di udara yang disebut dengan irritan.
Gejala-gejala asma dimulai saat allergens atau bahan iritans masuk dan menyebabkan lapisan dari jalan udara (saluran udara) membengkak menjadi terinflamasi dan menjadi sempit. Otot-otot pada sekitar saluran udara dapat mengalami kejang, mengkerut dengan cepat, yang akan berakibat pada saluran udara menyempit bahkan lebih parah lagi. Pada saat lapisan saluran udara mengalami inflamasi, maka akan terjadi produksi lendir (mucus) yang berlebihan.
Mukus akan menyumbat jalan udara dan lebih lanjut akan menutup aliran udara. Hal ini disebut dengan serangan asma.
Solusi yang dapat diberikan adalah:

http://thetransferfactorindonesia.comTestimoni pasien Asma setelah menggunakan 4Life Transfer Factor:

My daughter suffered from serious sinus problems and asthma. Having provided the genes for her condition ( I too am asthmatic) I have felts pangs of guilt knowing that all my training could not stop the common cold virus from rendering Leena helplessly gasping for air a few hours after each infection. Her mother (a pediatric nurse) and I tried every prescription and alternative therapy known, without success. Helplessly we would stand by the bedside offering repeated breathing therapy with slow if any progress. In the local Children’s hospital we agonized, like any parents, over each breath our little girl took. In our home viruses can mean colds and “colds always mean asthma!” With the onset of one particularly virulent head cold, we tried transfer factors, a product I felt, theoretically, might work. After several doses we couldn’t believe how quickly our daughter’s condition improved. Now taking transfer factors before a bad cold, she remains well. Thanks to transfer factors we regained a normal child. Now we all use transfer factors regularly and are enjoying the best health we have ever had. Thank you Transfer Factor. -Ranya L. Alexander, Ph.D, M.D.-
I am a lorry driver for more than 10 years. I always had asthma attack. I cannot eat ice cream, drink cold water and beer. My boss introduced me to Transfer Factor. I started taking 2 capsules 2 times a day. After two weeks my asthma attack was gone. I feel healthy and well now. Thank you 4Life. -Mani, Port Dickson.-
With terrible asthma since age 7, I began 4Life™ Transfer Factor™ 2 1/2 weeks ago and I’ve gone from 20 medications & inhalers, to one pill and one inhaler. Transfer Factor really works wonders for my immune system. -Darlene J.-
My son Ryan has asthma. He was on three inhalers per day. After 9 days on Transfer Factor, he stopped using his inhalers. We took him to the Doctor and learned that his lung function had returned to normal. He has not touched an inhaler since July of 98. The balancing effect that Transfer Factor has on the immune system is amazing. -Kevin O.-
An 8 year old girl saw such a dramatic improvement after only 2-3 weeks on TF, that later let her mum said her daughter recovered from asthma. -TG/TW, Malaysia.-

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